Feb 152013

kickstarter-logoWell, Moby got behind three more kickstarts but first I guess I should mention that it is not looking good for HM4 at this point. I’m gonna keep my thoughts to myself, but Moby backed HM4 solidly, put up the links and adverts…so it’s sad to see the campaign struggling to be sure.

But on the plus side, three other kickstarts have gone through. One is for a superhero novel and the other two involve animated series trying to get going. Continue reading »

Jan 032013

Your cable is out for the weekend, so no cable television and no Netflix or Hulu streaming. All you can get on the TV is the local Fox affiliate, which has some ‘B’ movie that escaped from the Lifetime Network back in the 90’s (and was actually released in theaters) wrapping up…and another will be starting soon.

And then it happens. Underdog. Yup, up next on the only channel you can get is Underdog, but at least the signal is strong. Continue reading »

Dec 272012

New This week we have a commission from Ebay virtual corner artist Kurt Herston (ebay name ‘kurthetston‘). Moby decided to try getting something he has wanted for a while…Grips on the toilet. You see Grips was the flagship character for indie Comics publisher Silverwolf Comics (which later became Greater Mercury Comics) and was the launching pad for artists like Tim Vigil and Ron Lim.

The neat thing about the character was his alter-ego was a comic book artist who drew a book called ‘The Fat Ninja’, which you can see he is reading there on the toilet. The Fat Ninja’ was another title available through Silverwolf, an actual book, written and published by founder Kristoffer Silver. Continue reading »

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