Jun 082013

StechMock2Neill Brengettsey, aka paime (Pay Me the artist),was among the first artists to work for Silverwolf, though his work there was never published. His work included Stech and Guillotine, with some other pages thrown in, and he is mentioned in Silverwolf Bulletin #3 as the artist (Neal Bringetsi) for another unpublished book, Silverwolf Team-Up.

Among the treasure trove of art he has shared with Moby are the first three pages of what seems to have been The Deadly Dungeoneer, two covers and several pages for Stech #1, and more. A lot more. 

Along with the artwork, Neill was able to help paint a picture of the early days of Silverwolf. This post will look at that history and the artist. Future posts will look more closely at the art itself.

But writing has always been my passion…The Silver Wolf business has just been a place for me to do what I love doing in life.Kristoffer A. Silver

I was with Silver in the beginning…”

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Jun 052013

gripsI stated in an earlier post that “If you were not there and did not see it yourself, I imagine it is hard to imagine but for a few years almost anything in B&W and/or a #1 issue would just sell, period.”

Now, it is fair to say that a lot of the art used in many Silverwolf books was not up to par with Marvel or DC Comics, and some would wonder why would anyone buy this stuff. This post tries to mine the information online about Silverwolf to explain why.

The truth is we can all blame the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Tim Vigil, and Grips. Continue reading »

Jun 022013

Erad4The first part of my interview with Dane McCart went into detail about how he managed to keep some original art from Silverwolf Comics, and how his employment eventually came to an end. While discussing these things, I ask what kind of work he is doing nowadays.

“For the first time in my life I am working color, for the last couple of years. All my life I’ve always worked for reproduction…” he tells me as we look through a portfolio of some older work.

He describes his main influence, Frank Brunner, and how influences will show up in an artists work no matter how much an artist tries to not let it show.

This leads our discussion back to… Continue reading »

Jun 012013


Here we have another Silverwolf original cover by Dane McCart, this one from Eradicators #4. The big secret on this one, according to McCart, is that none other than Sam Kieth himself inked the three characters. Continue reading »

May 302013


The title character from the unpublished The Last Wild Bitch" by Morganza

The title character from the unpublished “The Last Wild Bitch” by Morganza

I met Kris Silver at and Orange County Comic Con in California around 1992. I was showing my artwork to all the publishers there hoping to get hired. Kris Silver took a look and hired me on the spot for a project, my ego shot up several levels, I was excited to be working as a professional artist.

The project turned out to be an adult comic called “The Last Wild Bitch”. I love that title, this was my very first experience as a comic book artist.Morganza

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