Feb 092013

insigniaA lot of the facebook updates lately have concentrated on what seems to be the next phase of the pre-production: uniforms! The team at Starship Ajax have been sharing some great photo’s and updates from Joseph Kerezman of costumecostumecostume.com. Joseph is helping out Ajax with the uniform accents during some downtime on Star Trek: Excalibur, another Trek Fan-Based webseries. The USS Ajax Insignia being delivered is just out-of-site. Continue reading »

Feb 052013

HourHave you ever, for some small reason, made a silly wish only to find out it just came true the day before? Moby just had one of those things happen today…simply awesome. That little wish was for a book called Hour of the Octopus by Joel Rosenberg to be available on audio, so on a whim I checked Audible and there it was. Released yesterday…wow.

The whole thing started while working on the previous post about the Foreigner Audio Movie and I came across a post on Ms. Cherryh’s blog stating that she would like to (perhaps) do her own version of The Clan of the Cave Bear. So of course I immediately got on twitter and called her a tease because that would be fantastic, if she actually did it, but it will never happen. Tease. So, while composing my little tweet to CJ, I got to thinking and suggested that she would be perfect to write a sequel to Rosenberg’s D’Shai novels. And THAT led me to check Audible to see if there was an audio version available. And there it was. Funny how that works out sometimes. Continue reading »

Feb 042013

CherryhForeigner“The Movie in Audio project is, simply put, to take the first trilogy of C.J. Cherryh‘s “Foreigner Universe” and turn it into three 6+ hour audio dramas, each complete with a full cast, total soundscape and original score.”

A great sci-fi book by Moby’s favorite author is getting the ‘Movie-in-Audio’ treatment! A novel of first contact, this one contains all the things CJ Cherryh is known for. Her ability to make Humans the aliens in a detailed world have won her many awards, including two Hugo Award wins.  Continue reading »

Feb 032013

AjaxThanks again to Michael L. King for his continued series of Starship Ajax: A Work in Progress videos. Today we have part 7 of the series, and it comes with a great little treat, a rough edit of some test footage.

First the videos, then some notes and links.

Continue reading »

Feb 022013

KrakeJust wanted to share a couple more splash pages from the same series and artists from a couple of earlier posts. In case your not aware, splash pages refer to pages that are one panel, half-splashes are when half the page is one panel, etc. Splash pages are usually highly coveted and collectible, usually only second to published covers. Continue reading »

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