Mar 122013

ReplayPostHave you ever read a book and wished they would make it into a movie? Of course; we’ve all had that moment, and I can think of a lot of books I’d like to see personally.

Most of the books I’d love to see made into movies are sci-fi and will likely never see the light of day. Hollywood simply has no stomach for taking risks when their whole business model is predicated on blockbusters that need to open to tens of millions of dollars and make their budget back in a few weeks. You see it today with all the remakes and reboots.

Replay, however, has had a screenplay floating around for a couple decades and has even had Ben Affleck attached at one point, so it seems like a good candidate to get made someday. The players on HSX seem to agree, they are holding this long by a 3:1 margin. Continue reading »

Mar 092013

Every now and again a piece of art comes along that you really like. So you place your bid and hope for the best, right? Not necessarily, my dear reader. Sometimes there’s someone out there who wants it more, has more money to play with, or simply overpays. Whatever the reason, there’s always going to be ‘the one that got away’. This is a post about one of those.

Valkyrie by Rod San (original)

Valkyrie by Rod San (original)

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Mar 072013


This one is just too good to not write something about. It is a project aimed at getting children interested in classical music, and it stars Brian Blessed, the Hawkman Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon (1980). They are looking to make a graphic novel to accompany the audio program they already have on CD, so kids can follow along and to help spark their imagination. The whole thing is set to the classical music composition Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Continue reading »

Mar 062013

hm4This is in response to Johna, who responded to a previous post. Johna was taken aback by my saying ‘so what’ about the 120K goal set by Carey (aka HMDesigner). He asked “…but do you mean to say that you actually AGREE with that amount?” Not really Johna, I do not. That equates to at least 2,000 pre-sells of the game in 30 days, and I thought that was too many pre-sells in too short a time.

Let’s remember this point: He was not trying to blackmail anybody. Every supporter at or above $25 or $40 would get the game. There were simply not enough supporters to hit the goal. My whole point of view is that Carey should decide how many copies have to be (pre)sold, since he has to be the one to invest his time. And we should respect that. Continue reading »

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