May 282016

I’d like to follow up yesterday’s post about Trek fan film guidelines by pointing out a little something that seems to be getting lost in the shuffle. About those guidelines…

Since when have they been necessary?  Many productions have asked for some, thinking they might step over a line, and that is understandable. But was there any other problem with the way things were, other than not knowing, for certain, where ‘the line’ was?

Those standing with Axanar are buying into this narrative that Trek fan film guidelines will make things better than they were, and therefore are necessary.

No. Nope. They are not necessary, and they could not possibly make things better because


And, they were perfect without officially sanctioned written guidelines.

Perfect. Continue reading »

Sep 262015

anvil-robb-lipsWhen I heard Canadian metal band Anvil was about to record their next album, I reached out to Lips Kudrow to ask simply ‘what drives Anvil’ after all these years.

These two have been rocking out for decades, and even had a recent documentary about them, which is a must see.

“I started playing at 10 years old and discovered music. I made the choice to be a musician and that is what I was going to be . It is what I do best in my life and I enjoy it…life ambition..not about short term success..about doing what I love my entire life!!!”

Anvil has returned to doing more radio friendly tracks with their last two albums, and this latest one promises to include fans more than ever. You can help them by checking out their post on Continue reading »

Apr 292014

Originally posted on HarsH ReaLiTy:

“One of the most trying periods for males is “the moment of the breakup.” Now I understand that women also breakup with men, but I can’t really speak on their behalf. I would hate to try and talk on a topic I wasn’t clearly an expert on…

I feel it is my duty to provide men out there with some tried and true methods of “parting ways” with a woman. These will help you to keep your sanity and your nerve because it is that moment of uncertainty that will cause a bad decision that will result in a lifetime of unhappiness. For both parties involved. All of these options won’t be available to you, not all of us own horses, but the ones do you I encourage you to try some of these. Putting a video of it on is also a great idea. Here are some ideas for “safe” ways of breaking up with a woman.”

According to the article, you can try this:

I believe the safest method of approaching a woman is in a full suit of armor and on a very fast horse. Preferably one of those Spanish horses I always hear about.”

Or this tidbit:

People send singing telegrams and that is just stupid and mean. I would send a mime instead to hand deliver the message. He can then start miming a wall to protect himself…”

Funny post, worth reading the whole thing.

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