Feb 072014

papLate last year, I finally got around to reading a classic, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Why, you might ask? Well…

There haven’t really been a lot of good romantic comedies out in the last few years, so I was looking around for something worth watching. When I saw the poster for the 2005 movie starring Keira Knightley, I thought ‘how bad could it be?’. I mean, Keira looks absolutely delicious, no?

The movie turned out to be a very well produced period piece which I thoroughly enjoyed. I decided to read the original, figuring the book is usually better than the movie, right?  So why am I telling you all this?

Sadly, Moby has become something of a fan of Mrs. Austen’s work, I suppose. The book is a classic for a reason, I now know.

It’s all about the characters, I think. I wanted to read more about them, know more of what they were thinking, feeling, etc…I wanted….more. I knew that there were unofficial sequels published, I had seen them available in audio format on audible, but when I got to looking into what was out there my mind was blown just a bit. Turns out Moby is not the only one who really likes Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam.

Continue reading »

Dec 242013

santarexLooking for that last minute gift for that ‘Someone Special’ in your life? Maybe a little something for that nagging Mother-in-Law without a sense of humor?

Well, your in luck! Moby has found the perfect gift for everyone (you missed) on your list.

It’s a new age and quality digital entertainment is available 24/7, even on holidays.

Behold! Taken By The T-Rex by Christie Sims is now available on audio!!!

And the peasants rejoice! Just give it a second…let it sink in.


Yup. ‘Dinosaur Erotica’ has finally arrived on Audible.

I mean, why not? Sometimes you’ve got to let loose a little. Even Steve Martin, the famous comedian and the last guy you might think would be weird, once confessed to wearing men’s underwear.

Here’s a blurb from the description on Audible:

Drin taunts the beast, giving her tribes mates time to flee. As she runs, leading it through a gauntlet of traps, the thrill of the hunt soars through her blood, leaving her wet with desire. When the angry T-Rex corners the huntress in a box canyon, it seems more interested in her wet womanhood than in her flesh.”

And maybe ‘Dinosaur Erotica’ is not so bad…let’s look at the pros and cons, shall we? Continue reading »

Oct 282013

Spoons_Cover 3Mystery author Lawrence Block has made an announcement recently that is sure to make a lot of his long time fans very happy: Bernie Rhodenbarr is returning in an all new book!

This one will be the 11th in the series, and it definitely comes as a big surpise. I remember Block mentioning once in his newsletter something like ‘If I had a nickel for every time someone asked if there will be another Burglar book….’, and now there is one. No news on the nickels, though I am guessing after this one is released he’ll have a couple more to rub together.

…a handwritten manuscript, a collection of American Colonial silver, steamer trunks overflowing with buttons, a girl with a gecko tattoo, and a whole lot of breaking and entering.

For those unfamiliar with the series, the books star Bernie Rhodenbarr, New York City bookstore owner by day, cat burglar extraordinaire by night. His best friend, Carolyn Kaiser, is a lesbian dog groomer who owns a shop named The Poodle Factory and his contact on the other side of the law is Ray Kirschmann, an honest cop.

Meaning of course, that if he gets bought, he stays bought…and that is about as honest as can be, no? Continue reading »

Apr 112013


Scattered about the galaxy were the time-space Gates of a vanished but not forgotten alien race. In their time, long before the rise of the native civilizations, they had terrorized a hundred worlds—not from villainy but from folly, from tampering with the strands that held a universe together.

Now the task was to uproot these Gates…”

While Twittering around yesterday I saw a tweet from CJ Cherryh, something that happens once a day if we’re lucky. Here it is:

A film adaptation of one of Cherryh’s works? That would be awesome. One thing I have noticed is that when Hollywood moves, it can be like a surge. Whenever a topic or author gets hot, we always seem to get movies in pairs. Armageddon and Deep Impact; Dante’s Peak and that other Volcano movie; A Bug’s Life and Antz….the list goes on. Point is, if one Cherryh property gets the greenlight…does that mean other’s could get the go ahead? Continue reading »

Apr 022013

Protector1Just a little reminder that the newest book in the Foreigner Series by CJ Cherryh, Protector, comes out today. Protector is the 2nd book of the 5th ‘Sequence’ (5th trilogy), making it the 14th book in the series.

The next book in the series, Peacemaker, appears to be completed, although in a ‘pre-submission edit’ state, according to CJ Cherryh’s blog, Wave Without a Shore.

All the books in the Foreigner Series are available on audio at Audible as well, in case your interested.

A while back CJ shared a link to the blog of Todd Lockwood, the cover artists for several books in the series. On his blog he allows us to take a look behind the scenes at how the covers for the books come into being. Continue reading »

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