Apr 272019

I’ve discussed this with a few people I know, and frankly they seem to feel bad for me when I say this but here it is: I was wrong about my whole plan to make comic books.

I took Kickstarter a bit too much for granted. Yup. And after two miserable failures trying to ‘release’ a comic book I have pretty much come to terms with my mistake. I have made about 8 comic books so far, and have another 3 or so lying about in some stage of completeness with no need to be in a hurry to finish them.

Where did it go wrong? I still am not entirely sure, but I have my guesses. For one, I don’t think I am really willing to do the sort of things needed to be successful at Kickstarter. I don’t want to marry a project for months and spam my friends, family, and strangers relentlessly. I’d just rather not do that. And then there is my other guess, which is basically that in the last two years a lot of people have gotten sick and tired of the relentless onslaught of releases. It’s like everyone has a Kickstarter, every week, ad nauseum.

Edit: I just remembered a great case-in-point: Dulce. That was a fun looking sequel with a great advert plan being promoted by several people, a true campaign. And…well:


Look, if that project cannot get funded then…what?

So, I now have a plan. And yeah, it sucks, but hear me out.

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