Not sure what was going on but the media site was sort of down. The individual pages looked OK, but the main page was returning some fatal error. Luckily, deactivating some plugins and reactivating them did the trick, and it’s working now, but still. I don’t like seeing my site down.
Seems like I keep saying I need to blog more, but I suppose I am just too busy. Or I’m just telling myself that because of another cause I don’t want to think too much about. But since I an here, here it is: Facebook sucks.
I know, what does that have to do with my blog. Well, I just don’t post almost anything to Facebook anymore, unless it is about my comic books or something cute or funny. I keep starting to write something, then just delete it because A) All I get in my feed anymore is diatribe, mob building who-dunnits and posts telling me how to think and reminding me that things are different now and commonly held opinions from a few years ago now make you an asshole and die! die! die! Or, B. But mostly it’s A. So, I have decided to just stop posting about pretty much anything, and I guess it has bled over to here.
I usually avoid politics on this blog, so it’s not that, it’s just the idea that no one cares what I happen to think of the latest Marvel movie, right? So, maybe I need to reexamine why I post at all, what I might use or need the site for. Or maybe I just need a beer. Meh. Oh, did I mention I fixed the site?