The Light-Earth #0 Kickstarter has 4 days left, and it looks like a good indie book. Most of all, I like that you can pick up the PDF of this #0 issue for a buck. Yup $1.
You can click >HERE< to go directly to the Kickstarter.
The Light-Earth #0 Kickstarter has 4 days left, and it looks like a good indie book. Most of all, I like that you can pick up the PDF of this #0 issue for a buck. Yup $1.
You can click >HERE< to go directly to the Kickstarter.
Author Lawrence Block, a personal favorite here at Moby’s!, has posted to his website a short story:
A couple of months ago, a woman named Bianca emailed me from Germany. Could I write something around 700 words long for a New York guide book called 38 Hours? I could and I did, and they’ve just now sent me a copy of the book, with my effort printed, and with a terrific illustration on the page opposite. I wanted to give you a chance to read it—and, even better, to see the illustration, which you’ll be quick to see is an uncanny likeness of Our Favorite Felon. But it’s all too short and insignificant to sell you, so I figured I’d just print it here:
I don’t want to steal LB’s thunder, so you’ll have to go to his site to read the short story. While you’re there you might even sign up for his newsletter. It’s the best written newsletter in the business, I assure you. 🙂
And while you’re here, you might like to check out Moby’s! own interview with Mr. Block. Or not, could go either way, eh?
Moby’s Digital Pick for Free Comic Book Day 2015 is…
Pathways Issue #0 is now available for
download at
Pathways is a brand new miniseries from Dragon Phoenix Media that will lead into the upcoming ‘The Return of the Frontiersmen‘.
I’ve already reviewed a preview copy here on the site (you can see that review HERE), but it is always nice to see the finished product from a new company.
Again, I was surprised by the density of the story. I was expecting the usual origin stuff (after all it is a comic book) but Pathways really surprised me with the depth and range this opening issue covered. I said it pretty well the first time, so here’s the core of my previous review:
Moby was thinking this would be a simple superhero origin story, diluted by having to deal with an ensemble cast. But this zero issue was not that at all. By use of time distortions we get a glimpse of the past, and a taste of the future. Foes protecting heroes without their knowledge, and mixed allegiances.”
When I was doing my own ashcan comic book, ‘Medium Men’, I needed a name for the villain the heroes fight against. I needed a name that would suit an evil mastermind but also fit the theme of the book, which was a spoof on the X-Men or such.
Baker and Bone, members of the Medium Men
This was a long time ago, but I remember days went by and I could not figure out a good name for the bad guy. This was important stuff, the name of the villain has to be something that informs you about his nature. It has to speak for him like a calling card.
Then an episode of The Dukes of Hazard came on. I was not a huge fan or anything, but by then it had been in syndication way too long and the Dukes were like TV comfort food. I mean, it might as well have been Gilligan’s Island coming on. So I was basically ignoring the Dukes playing out in the background while I worked away at the drafting table.
Then it happened. As soon as they started chasing the boys, Boss Hogg got on the radio and started calling out to his two deputies, Rosco P. Coltrane and Enos.
And there it was, the perfect name for my sarcastic madman: Rosco P. Enos. (Sounds like Rosco Penis. LOL?)
Even if I never get around to re-working ‘Medium Men’, James Best will always have a small tribute to his most famous role.
Rosco P. Enos, it’s a funny name.