The recent reblog about Gary Gygax got me to thinking about my personal history with Dungeons & Dragons. I guess this is where Moby’s inner nerd shines through, and unless your really interested in D&D this is not likely to be very interesting. At all.

Moby learned to play ‘Advanced Dungeons & Dragons’ years and years ago with a bunch of acquaintances who were of course a bit older than I was. Just for fun I pulled out all the old books for a picture, those are my actual books above. Sure they can be replaced; I looked on amazon and you can get about any book you need, in used condition, for under $10 (including shipping), but these are the very books I have had for about 20 years now. They are the D&D version I learned (first edition), so of course they are the version that is best and all others suck. So there.
Then there are two other ‘books’, stuff I put together myself to help expand the choices available to the players. More races, a few more classes, and so on. Continue reading »