Apr 232014

BellaDonnaFor fans of Silverwolf comics, Bella Donna (1987, Pinnacle Comics) is something of a gem.

The book was to be published in June 1987 by Silverwolf, but of course the big implosion occurred and the book was not published…by Silverwolf. Bella Donna is sort of the one that got away, I guess.

Written by Martin Powell, with art by Seppo Makinen and Alan Larsen, only one issue of the title was ever released (Issue #1, ‘The Box’, Pinnacle Comics), which is a shame. 


The book is quite good, especially compared to the usual Silverwolf standard for art and story, which is no surprise given the caliber of creators involved. Powell and Makinen are better known as the duo who brought us the classic Scarlet in Gaslight (1987, Eternity Comics), an Eisner Award nominated graphic novel that pitted Sherlock Holmes against Count Dracula in Victorian London. Continue reading »