Feb 072014

papLate last year, I finally got around to reading a classic, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Why, you might ask? Well…

There haven’t really been a lot of good romantic comedies out in the last few years, so I was looking around for something worth watching. When I saw the poster for the 2005 movie starring Keira Knightley, I thought ‘how bad could it be?’. I mean, Keira looks absolutely delicious, no?

The movie turned out to be a very well produced period piece which I thoroughly enjoyed. I decided to read the original, figuring the book is usually better than the movie, right?  So why am I telling you all this?

Sadly, Moby has become something of a fan of Mrs. Austen’s work, I suppose. The book is a classic for a reason, I now know.

It’s all about the characters, I think. I wanted to read more about them, know more of what they were thinking, feeling, etc…I wanted….more. I knew that there were unofficial sequels published, I had seen them available in audio format on audible, but when I got to looking into what was out there my mind was blown just a bit. Turns out Moby is not the only one who really likes Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam.

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