Today’s post is a nice splash page by penciler Scott Clark and inker Sal Regla. This one comes from Warblade: Endangered Species # 2, page 8. This is a very nice example of the kind of art being pumped out of the various studios over at Image Comics for a long time.
What is noticeable right away is the strict style of inking. I knew that this was a page from an Image book as soon as I saw the inking style. It seemed like nearly all the artists coming up through the ranks over there had that same look to their work. The style alone was such a dead giveaway that I had some idea of what the collectability of the piece was right off the bat.
It is, of course, 11×17 on Image Comics board.

Ripclaw in color. And falling or something.
Ripclaw is a member of mutant team Cyberforce, published by Image Comics. Wikipedia covers the team pretty well, so I’m not going to make this a long post.
Ripclaw is a Native American named Robert Bearclaw, but which tribe he is from is not clear. He is both a mutant and a cyborg. His mutant power is his ability to assume some animal characteristics (Metamorph), and he also has a ‘spirit sense’; he can get psychic impressions from objects or approaching evil and so on. But the cool factor for this character comes from his cybernetic hands, which he can form into claws.
He enjoys jumping off of buildings and being thrown through windows.
This one is available for sale, so if you would like to make an offer just email Moby. The email address is there on the sidebar under ‘Contact Moby!’ Any questions are welcome.