May 082017

Author Becca Lee Gardner has completed a one-shot, 22 page comic book script for Moby’s upcoming comic book line, tentatively titled ‘Fatal Flaw‘. It’s a story based on a question Moby had about what would happen if the universe was a simulation and that simulation became self-aware. 

The concept is very exciting. 

Luckily for everyone Becca took up the challenge and delivered not just an outline but a completed script, and it was so good Moby bought it. Hopefully we can get it made in a few months, after the Dr. Fizz books and a little something I am working on with a fellow from Wales called Shadoworlds. It’s very exciting. 

But Becca Lee Gardner is what I wanted to share with everyone today, because she is finally releasing her first novel on Amazon, and pre-orders are now available. The book, Astray, will be released on May 16, in aboot 8 more days. Here’s the blurb:

Something watches Blair Samson. Something follows her, hidden in the San Francisco fog.

That something is covered in human blood. That something knows much more about the hundreds of people missing from Chinatown than any of the newspapers.

And that something won’t stop meowing until Blair believes it.

In a thrilling mystery filled with drug lords, gang bosses, law enforcement, chocolate lovers, and one very intense cat, Blair might be the only one not led astray.

Sounds very exciting. Becca has short stories available already on Amazon, and I did some research and bought one about a superhero physiatrist, Delilah’s Valor, that proved to be as fun as an actual comic book. It was just the right length to make into a one-shot comic, and it had a doozy of a twist at the end. 

So, if you are into comics, mysteries, and supporting indie authors, you might consider hitting the link and checking out Becca’s novel, Astray. I hear it’s very exciting.

  2 Responses to “Becca Lee Gardner Releasing First Novel”

  1. Thank you for your kind words! I’m excited to see where all this goes and hope to work with Moby’s again soon.

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