Apr 222016

So Time Goes By…

So Axanar was pretty much off my radar when their PR Guru asked, “Where does all this anger (against Axanar) come from?” So I told him, and waited. And Waited. (Note: Still waiting…)

And so we’ve come back to the beginning: Moderating blog posts. You see, this blog gives me my own voice, one they cannot moderate. And judging from the reports online, they have been very selective about what they are allowing to make it through their filter.

But I suppose if I were caught mocking an entire religion I would not want the evidence of it to be hosted on my servers either.

I responded to Axanar because I thought the new PR guy had genuine interest, but I was wrong. It was a waste of my time, simply inviting me to add my voice to a black hole which they control…and I don’t like that. I feel that asking the question on your blog means you should have the conversation, not moderate the hell out of it so you don’t end up taking your lumps.

So Axanar, you asked why, and this post is your answer. This, all of this, is why I do not support you Axanar.

One last thing:

All legal threats WILL be publicly posted to this blog. 

Update #2: Terry McIntosh now has his own PSA online! Way to go Terry! 



Update: With permission, here is another post that was ‘moderated’ out of existence. The post involves the CBS request of Star Trek Horizon filmmaker Tommy Kraft and whether or not the request was related to the suit against Axanar.

You can click on it for a slightly larger image.


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