Mar 222015

The one piece of original Greater Mercury Comics art Moby has decided to pick up from the recently reopened Silverwolf online store was this great cover.


GMC Grips #6 Cover by Richard Carter.

I like the piece because it is a great representation of what was being produced in the late ’80s/early ’90s.  The market was saturated by a myriad of black and white publishers, all looking for a piece of the pie. Silverwolf and Greater Mercury Comics represent, in Moby’s opinion, the best example of what that period was about. Understanding SW/GMC is essential to understanding this period in comic history.

The cover itself has a good composition and good use of space. The villain, Death, is seen above looking down at our anti-heroes, Grips and Blood.

The artist is Richard Carter, whom I have not been able to find, I would love to interview him. Richard, contact me!

If you would like a higher resolution image of this, feel free to contact Moby. 

And a big thanks to Kris Silver for stumbling across this one and making it available. 

  2 Responses to “Grips #6 Cover”

  1. I enjoyed Richard Carters work too, I hope he’s still drawing.

    • Hiya Morganza!

      Yeah, he did a lot of work back then across a few titles. I feel his work is a good representation of what was being produced and I’m really glad I was able to get this one.

      And I would be thrilled to hit him up for a few questions, see what he’s doing and all, for sure.

      Also, I think Grips sort of looks a bit like Buzz Lightyear in this one…:)

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