Jun 062013

Star Trek Continues, the newest ‘top-tier’ fan-made Trek webseries to hit the web, released it’s first episode, Pilgrim of Eternity, on May 24th following a premiere screening at the Phoenix Comiccon to rave reviews.

This episode is basically a sequel to the Original Series episode Who Mourns for Adonais?, complete with none other than Michael Forest, the original Apollo himself, returning to reprise his role as Apollo. After all, it’s only been 45 years or so, right? Mr. Forest does an outstanding job to say the least, and the episode is very, very good.


In my opinion Pilgrim of Eternity is easily the best fan-made Trek episode since Phase II’s World Enough and Time, the episode in which George Takei returns to his role as Sulu.

And Moby also got his wish, believe it or not. While reviewing Starship Farragut’s third episode here on Moby’s, I wrote the following:

I guess what I am saying is I would like to see an episode that does not need a lot of location shooting, or special effects, or a big huge guest star, or death of a key crew member, or someone coming out of the closet, or such. You know, a ‘bottle show’. Just a simple, well written episode with a dead redshirt by the end of act two. Is that too much to ask?

Yup, the episode is almost, very nearly a ‘bottle show’. It relies on good writing and good characters; not big plots, big reveals, someone who is coming out of the closet, or a new relative being shoehorned introduced into the series. It’s not perfect, but still very well done. It just feels more like an original series episode than some of the other fan-made ones put out there the last couple of years.  

You can also see the episode for free at the website HERE.


  One Response to “Star Trek Continues Releases First Episode!”

  1. That was a pleasant surprise! That was the best fan made Star Trek I’ve ever seen, thanks for posting this!

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